
12/7/2010 16:34:03 (6814 Letto)

Comparative evaluation of knee stability following reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with the bone-patellar tendon-bone and the double semitendinosus-gracilis methods: 1- and 2-year prospective study.

Denti M, Vetere DL, Bandi M, Volpi P.

An account of a prospective study of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions with the bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft (BPTB) and the doubled semitendinosus-gracilis autograft (ST-GR) is given in 39 patients and 22 patients, respectively...

12/7/2010 16:32:41 (6247 Letto)

Revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: causes of failure, surgical technique, and clinical results.

Denti M, Lo Vetere D, Bait C, Schönhuber H, Melegati G, Volpi P.

BACKGROUND: Revision of an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is a complicated and delicate clinical procedure whose results, theoretically, are less satisfactory than those of the first operation...

12/7/2010 16:31:36 (5775 Letto)

Double-bundle reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament using the transtibial technique.

Volpi P, Denti M.

We present an arthroscopic surgical procedure for double-bundle transtibial anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with 2 tibial and femoral tunnels using autologous semitendinosus and gracilis tendons...

12/7/2010 16:29:08 (6736 Letto)

The role of the rehabilitation brace in restoring knee extension after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective controlled study.

Melegati G, Tornese D, Bandi M, Volpi P, Schonhuber H, Denti M.


To evaluate the effects of a rehabilitation brace locked in extension for the first week on the recovery of full extension after ACL reconstruction we compared two groups of subjects who underwent ACL bone-patellar tendon-bone reconstruction....

12/7/2010 16:27:39 (6332 Letto)

Motor control performance in the lower extremity: normals vs. anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed knees 5-8 years from the index surgery.

Denti M, Randelli P, Lo Vetere D, Moioli M, Bagnoli I, Cawley PW.

We compared motor control function in 50 patients who had undergone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a bone-tendon-bone graft to that in 50 normal controls...

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