Legamenti : Comparison of "catheter" and conventional arthroscopy...
12/7/2010 16:56:00 (6499 Letto)
Comparison of "catheter" and conventional arthroscopy in the diagnosis of knee derangements
Denti M, Arosio A, Trevisan C.
The diagnostic efficiency of the Optical Catheter System (OCS), which uses a 1.7-mm arthroscope, was compared with that of conventional arthroscopy in 50 patients with various knee derangements in standard arthroscopic conditions...
Correct diagnoses were obtained with the OCS in 98% of anterior cruciate ligament derangements--92%-98% of those involving the medial and lateral meniscus, respectively--and 96% of cartilage disorders. No false-positives were noted for anterior cruciate ligament and meniscus injuries. False-negatives were caused by abundant intraarticular bleeding (no tourniquet was applied) and peripheral meniscus tears and false-positives by synovial superposition resulting in a mistaken diagnosis of patellar chondromalacia. The OCS proved a good diagnostic tool. Its employment, especially in an outpatient setting, should be restricted to a small number of patients and entrusted to expert arthroscopists.