
Legamenti : Motor control performance in the lower extremity
12/7/2010 16:27:39 (6293 Letto)

Motor control performance in the lower extremity: normals vs. anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed knees 5-8 years from the index surgery.

Denti M, Randelli P, Lo Vetere D, Moioli M, Bagnoli I, Cawley PW.

We compared motor control function in 50 patients who had undergone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a bone-tendon-bone graft to that in 50 normal controls...

Surgical subjects patients had undergone reconstruction with a one- (n=37) or two-incision (n=13) technique with the same rehabilitation protocol; mean time from the index surgery was 6.1 years (range of 5-8 years). For inclusion patients required an excellent outcome, category A IKDC score, and a KT-1000 side-to-side difference of 3 mm or less. Motor control evaluations were conducted using the KAT 2000 with static and dynamic tests. Normal controls had substantially better scores than did the surgical patients. There was no statistical difference the single-limb static test between scores of operated and nonoperated limbs. However, the operated limb scores were slightly better overall than those for the nonoperated limb, and the right knee scores tended to be better than those for the left knee. This may be explained by limb dominance. The test method employed in this investigation shows that anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed patients had a clear motor control deficit compared to normal control subjects even after several years.

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