
Legamenti : The bone-ligament junction
3/5/2010 3:05:38 (5507 Letto)

The bone-ligament junction: a comparison between biological and artificial ACL reconstruction.

Schiavone Panni A, Denti M, Franzese S, Monteleone M.

The physiological bone-ligament junction is composed of four zones: ligament, fibrocartilage, calcified fibrocartilage and bone. It plays a very important part in the distribution of mechanical loads applied to ligaments so as to diminish stress concentration or shearing at the interface...

This paper examines types of bone and neoligament insertion after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with a Dacron prothesis, the Leeds-Keio scaffold ligament (LK), patellar tendon with LAD augmentation (PT+LAD) and bone patellar tendon bone alone (PT). The anterior cruciate reconstructions were implanted in 16 sheep via double-isometric bone tunnels without postoperative knee immobilization. Histological examination of the new insertions (using haematoxylin-eosin, Giemsa, Masson, and Mallory stains) was performed following animal sacrifice after 2, 3, 6 and 9 months. A layer of fibrocartilage between the bone and the ligament was observed with PT, followed by a nearly normal insertion after 6 months. With PT, followed by PT+LAD, the augmentation was surrounded by fibrous tissue (also noted inside the LAD). The PT insertion was virtually physiological after 3-6 months. With the LK scaffold, fibrous tissue was noted in and around the scaffold, even after 6 and 9 months. With the Dacron prosthesis, fibrous tissue around the ligament was unaccompanied by ingrowth into the prosthesis. Nerve endings (pacinian corpuscles) were only present in the PT. These findings show that even after 9 months artificial ligaments are separated from bone by fibrous tissue and devoid of the histological and biomechanical features of a physiological junction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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