Spalla : Magnetic resonance imaging versus arthroscopy
12/7/2010 16:40:55 (5551 Letto)
Magnetic resonance imaging versus arthroscopy for the investigation of the osteochondral humeral defect in anterior shoulder instability. A double-blind prospective study.
Denti M, Monteleone M, Trevisan C, De Romedis B, Barmettler F.
A double-blind prospective study was done with 15 patients with anterior shoulder instability to determine the diagnostic efficacy of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging versus arthroscopy in the evaluation of chondral or osteochondral lesions of the humeral head...
MR produced 6 true positives, 5 true negatives and 4 false negatives, and its accuracy and sensitivity were 60% and 87%, respectively, whereas arthroscopy gave 8 true positives, 5 true negatives and 2 false negatives, with a sensitivity of 80% and an accuracy of 87%. All lesions diagnosed with either method were regarded as positive by definition, with the result that the specificity was always 100%. The differences in diagnosis sprang from the false negatives. The 40% discrepancy between the two methods was probably due to our distinction in MR between intra- and extra-articular osteochondral lesions. In the first group (the 4 MR false negatives), there were three instances of first-degree intra-articular lesion and one diagnostic error (third-degree lesion). In the second (the 2 arthroscopy false negatives), the lesions were of the extra-articular type. It is thus advisable to employ both of these methods to ensure the correct diagnosis of a Hill-Sachs lesion, and hence the correct choice of treatment.